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February Newsletter

Posted Date: 2/03/25 (10:05 PM)

Endeavor Middle School February Newsletter
Wolf Logo
Winter 2 Sport Pics
Parsons Photography will be here on Thursday, February 6 to take individual and sport teams photos. If you would like to order, please go to their website.

If you have further questions, please contact Endeavor school's office at (509) 766-2667.
Parsons Photography Order Link
Please remember to vote Tuesday, February 11 for the School Levy.
To inform yourself regarding the Levy. please click on the link below.
MLSD Levy Information
District Payment Portal
Endeavor Families!

Beginning February 1, you now have the option to order items, make purchases and pay student fines and fees by accessing the Moses Lake School District Payment Portal! The link will be available on the Endeavor Middle School website and is included in this message.

The Payment Portal IS NOT SKYWARD! However, it does sync to Skyward which is how it matches you as a guardian to all your active students enrolled in the Moses Lake School District. If you have NEVER used the Payment Portal before, you will need to follow the instructions to click on the box to set your password. You will also need to use the same email account that you have set up in your Skyward Family Access account.

Once you have set your password, you can sign in. Your User Name is your Skyward Family Access Username and the Password is the one you set up previously. Once you sign in you will click on the student name and follow the prompts to what you want to purchase. Any fees and or fines show up in RED. You can make payments toward these or pay in full. You can also check your student's Purchase History. This is very useful when you aren't sure if you have already ordered something like a yearbook. 

We are very excited to offer this feature and will be adding more items to it where appropriate.

Portal Link
Endeavor's PSTO NEEDS parents to volunteer to help our school. Can you give two hours a month to attend a meeting or help sell items? Please consider it.

Their next meeting is Tuesday, February 4 at 5:30 pm at Endeavor. Hope to see you there.
Early Release Days
Students will be released at 11:25 am on Friday, February 7. Staff will be participating in SEL/Belonging Professional Development Training.

Students will be released at 11:25 am on Friday, February 14.

There will be NO Sports practice for Girls Basketball, Boys Wrestling or Cheer on these days.
Presidents' Day
No School
There will be no school on Monday, February 17 in observance of Presidents' Day.
Spirit Week is Monday, February 10 - Friday, February 14
See the flyer for more information.
Winter Dance/Activity Event
ASB sponsored Winter Dance/Activity Event is scheduled for Friday, February 14 from Noon until 2:30pm here at the school. Please note the earlier time as this is an early release day.

Tickets are $1.00 w/ASB card
$2.00 w/o ASB card
$3.00 at the door
Purchase your ticket early for the discount.
Food and drinks will be sold during the event.

If you have any questions or would like to volunteer, please call the office at (509) 766-2667 for more information.
Winter 2 Sports
Winter 2 sports which are Girls Basketball and Boys Wrestling are going strong. If you would like to attend one or more of our games/meets, please click on the link for the sport calendar.
Arbiter Game Schedule Calendar
Just a reminder that Endeavor School is a NO BANANA school. If a student brings a banana to school, they will be asked to eat and dispose of the peel outside and then wash their hands.
Thank You!
Thank you Endeavor Family/Friends for the fantastic turnout for our Holiday Music Concert. This was the largest attendance Endeavor has ever had! Your enthusiasm and commitment to your student certainly showed.
Daylight Savings begins
Pi Day Activity Night
Early Release Day
St. Patrick's Day